Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Don't mean to disappoint my fans, but I don't feel like doing a movie this time. And I have to blog today. It's been too long, and my planner told me I had to. So no movie.

Lauren officially has me hooked on American Idol. It started with studying while she watched one episode, then I had to watch the next night to see who went home. Then I had to see if Megan Joy could do better. Etc. Etc. Lord help me. My Top Three are Allison, Adam, and Kris in that order. Until this week, Megan Joy was top three for me, but she has stunk it up and I liked Kris's SO MUCH this week. I want to buy him. Allison and Adam are AMAZINGLY awesome. They will be the final two or else the world is not just.

More TV news, ER ends tomorrow night and I'm going to bawl. I know already because for ten years, I have devoted 10pm on Thursday nights to the show. I hope Kovac comes back for one episode. I would like to see the little bald guy that was killed by the helicopter after another helicopter cut his off; I can't remember his name to save my life. Anyone? I will need consoling, so please send me love around 11 tomorrow night.

I had a great trip to Charleston this past weekend. I cried when I left. I definitely think I made the right choice about going there this summer. It just felt right, almost home-like. Katie, Melissa, and I just hung out at Katie's new house. Yes, you read that right. Katie bought a house. It was amazing.

Ok, time for helping David with his website. He's making me stop now.

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