Lots of movies this summer, so let's get back to the top 100.
Here's a refresher of what we've covered so far:
100. The Three Muskateers
99. Independence Day
98. Kindergarten Cop
97. Hook
96. Beetlejuice
95. Mulan/Aladdin
94. Talledega Nights
93. Back to the Future
92. Tommy Boy
91. Finding Nemo
90. Borat
89. Chicago
88. Zoolander
87. Apollo 13
86. Grease
85. The Thin Red Line
84. Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red-Light District
83. The Natural
82. The Little Mermaid (1989)

What It Is:
Dude, if you don't know, I can't tell you! No, seriously. It's yet another Disney cartoon, I'm sorry to say. I wish I had more non-Disney cartoons on this list, like Secret of NIHM, but only one non-Disney cartoon makes the list. Wait, maybe two. Either way, I'm not telling what they are now. You'll just have to wait. Back to this movie. Basically, Aerial has problems with authority in yet another absent-mother fairy tale where girls are told to shut up and spread their legs in order to get the man and live happily ever after. Despite the horrible message, I still love it!!
Why I Like It:
I think it's because I love all things ocean. I don't like the anti-feminist messages of the movie, but the soundtrack, water, and story just make me happy. Maybe it's the fabric of my culture that I can't split from working on my subconscious. Maybe it's the fact that Aerial is definitely the hottest of the Disney princesses. Maybe, oh who cares! I just like it so shut up!
I Bet You Didn't Know:
The girl that came in second the year I came in fourth in state for Original Oratory in Speech and Debate sang part of "Part of That World" for the opening of her speech. I had tried to sing the year before and met no success because I can't sing well. It made me want to punch her in the face. I kid. She was sweet. But I hated her!
In the opening scene when King Triton arrives at the arena, you can briefly see Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck in the crowd of sea-people as mermen when he passes over them.
Sebastian the Crab's full name is Horatio Thelonius Ignatius Crustatious Sebastian.
Memorable Moments:
"Kiss the Girl" and "Under the Sea"
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