I've had a great few days that I would like to share! Friday night, Melissa, Katie, and I went on a free tour of art galleries downtown where we got to see lots of cool art and drink lots of free wine. Then, we went on a ghost tour downtown. Pretty cool day.
Saturday, Katie and I painted. She now has a red dining room and a "cup of coco" hallway and kitchen. We did some touchups today and still have a lot more to do, but it's been fun working on it. She also got a neutral green for the living room but we haven't gotten there yet.
Sunday, I went to church then had a pretty good, busy shift at work - the most I've made in any shift so far.
Today, I got a volunteer job at a law firm! Yay! I was searching admiralty firms here, and came across one that had a lawyer working there with the same name as a guy that was sorta in my same circle of friends at Bishop England. His name was Dawes Cooke, and this lawyer is his dad, I think, at least one's a junior and one's a III. Anyway, I sent him an email and I start volunteering this week - probably Friday since I work the morning shifts every day but tomorrow, which is too soon to start. The lawfirm is Barnwell Whaley Patterson and Helms and their office is on Daniel Island where we used to live. Here is their website: http://www.barnwell-whaley.com/default.asp?catID=14315&parentID=14315
Wish me luck!
Also today, I finally cashed in my mycokerewards! Here's what I got:

For free! Thanks to everyone who saved points for me to help me get them! I'll take pictures of you with me in them. I wonder what I'll save up for now???
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