1. Dolly:
Are you looking for a super sweet female dog that gets along with anyone and everything? Great with kids, great with people, great with dogs, and LOVES to give hugs and kisses? Then Dolly is the one for you:
2. Bruno:
Are you a marathon runner and/or triathlete looking for a dog that not only keeps up with you, but encourages to keep going? Want a dog with more pure athletic ability and running stamina than an Olympic athlete? Then Bruno is the one for you:
3. Zorro:
Are you looking to grow up with a younger, year-old pup who never forgets and wants nothing more than to explore and love? Want to help him remember there is love in the world and that he doesn't need to be so scared of everything? Need to feel unconditional love? Then Zorro is the one for you:
If you are interested in any of these dogs, or are looking for something else, please contact me. I had the privilege of walking all three of these dogs today, and I've really fallen in love with how great they are!
Also, if you are looking for an older dog, my sister-in-law found one that had been abandoned in a rental home in the greater Savannah area. I think he's some sort of lab-mix. She's looking for a home for him as well!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Best Commercials from the 2000's
This is a supposed list of the best commercials from the last decade. You can vote on your favorite, but I don't really remember most of these. Does this mean I didn't watch enough TV, because if so, I'm working hard to fix that!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Professional Blog
I've started my own blog on Water Rights - a career interest of mine. I, Carmela Orsini, am the main contributor but take guest posts as well, if you interest in contributing as well. I post on upcoming water issues, events, and people. Please check it out, leave a comment, and let me know what you think!
Here's the Link:
Carmela Orsini's Water Rights Blog
Here's the Link:
Carmela Orsini's Water Rights Blog
Thursday, November 12, 2009
YAY! Life is Complete.
On The Office tonight, which by the way is my favorite TV show like ever, they did one of those games where there's a fake murder AND the murder was set in SAVANNAH! They all walked around with southern accents and everything. It was pretty much awesome.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Unsung Heroes
In honor of Veteran's Day, I thought I would spotlight some lesser known veteran heroes from America's past - K-9 Soldiers. Thank you to all Veterans, human and animal! While researching this post, I discovered a movement to make a Nation Wide K-9 Veterans Day (some states already have it) on March 19th. I'm still honoring them with all the Veterans today! [PS - the dog bios are edited versions of one's I found on various web sites. I'm not citing properly, I admit, but before suing me over it, please ask, and I'll take the time to cite your article properly.]
Lance Corporal Alfredo Salazar and his German Shepherd partner, Kaiser, met in Fort Benning, GA. They completed months of training at Fort Benning and then in Camp Pendleton, CA before being shipped to Vietnam. Once there, they completed more than 30 missions together before joining D Company, First Marines, 3rd Marine Division on a search and destroy mission. The two were leading a patrol through heavy brush towards a small village when the Company was hit by heavy automatic weapon fire and hand gernades. Kaiser was hit almost immediately. The Company returned fire and proceeded with the attack, but Salazar stayed by his partner. The dog tried to lick his hand, but couldn't before passing away. The dog was carried back the Company tents and burried under a shady tree. The site was named Camp Kaiser in his honor.
World War II:
Probably the most famous War Dog was Chips. Chips was trained at Fort Royal, VA in 1942 and was among the first dogs shipped overseas. He was assigned to the 3d Infantry Division and served with that unit in North Africa, Sicily, Itlay, France and Germany. Although trained as a sentry dog, Chips was reported on one occasion by members of Company I, 30th Infantry Regiment while stationed in Sicily, to have broken away from his handler and attack a pillbox containing an enemy machine gun crew. He seized one man and forced the entire crew to surrender. He was also credited for having been directly responsible for the capture of numerous enemies by alerting his company of their presence. In recognition of his service, Chips was awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart, both later revoked (WHY??).
World War I:
Sergeant Stubby
Stubby, served 18 months 'over there' and participated in seventeen battles on the Western Front. Stubby was a bull terrier. One day he just appeared when a bunch of soldiers were training at Yale Field in New Haven, Ct; he trotted in and out among the ranks as they drilled, stopping to make a friend here and a friend there, until pretty soon he was on chummy terms with the whole bunch. One soldier though, in particular, developed a relationship with the dog, a Corporal Robert Conroy, who when it wastime for the outfit to ship out, hid Stubby on board the troop ship. It was at Chemin des Dames, France that Stubby saw his first action, and it was there that the boys discovered he was a war dog par excellence. The boom of artillery fire didn't faze him in least, and he soon learned to follow the men's example of ducking when the big ones started falling close. Naturally he didn't know why he was ducking, but it became a great game to see who could hit the dugout first. After a few days, Stubby won every time. He could hear the whine of shells long before the men. It got so they'd watch him!
Then one night Stubby made doggy history. It was an unusally quiet night in the trenches. Some of the boys were catching cat naps in muddy dugouts, and Stubby was stretched out beside Conroy. Suddenly his big blunt head snapped up and his ears pricked alert. The movement woke Conroy, who looked at the dog sleepily just in time to see him sniff the air tentatively, utter a low growl, then spring to his feet, and go bounding from the dugout, around a corner out of sight. A few seconds later there was a sharp cry of pain and then the sound of a great scuffle outside. Conroy jumped from his bed, grabbed his rifle and went tearing out towards the direction of the noise. Stubby had captured a German spy, who'd been prowling through the trenches. The man was whirling desperately in an effort to shake off the snarling bundle of canine tooth and muscle that had attached itself to his differential. But Stubby was there to stay. It took only a few moments to capture the Hun and disarm him, but it required considerably more time to convince Stubby that his mission had been successfully carried out and that he should now release the beautiful hold he had on that nice, soft German bottom.
By the end of the war, Stubby was known not only to every regiment, division, and army, but to the whole AEF. Honors by the bale were heaped on his muscled shoulders. At Mandres en Bassigny he was introduced to President Woodrow Wilson, who "shook hands" with him. Medal and emblemed jackets were bestowed upon him for each deed of valor, plus a wound stripe for his grenade splinter. Not to be left out, the Marines even made him an honorary sergeant. Stubby returned home with Conroy and his popularity seemed to grow even more. He became a nationally acclaimed hero, and eventually was received by presidents Harding and Coolidge. Even General John "Black Jack" Pershing, who commanded the American Expeditionary Forces during the war, presented Stubby with a gold medal made by the Humane Society and declared him to be a "hero of the highest caliber." He was even made an honorary member of the American Red Cross, the American Legion and the YMCA, which issued him a lifetime membership card good for "three bones a day and a place to sleep."

Civil War:
Sallie, a brindel bull terrier, joined the 11th Pennsylvanis Vol. Regiment as a puppy in the early days of the war. Through it all, she provided a source of comfort, pride, and inspiration for her fighting comrades. Sallie would hold her position on the line and bark fiercely at the enemy. At Gettysburg, the gallant little dog became separated from her unit in the confusion of the first day's battle. Refusing to pass through the Rebel lines, Sallie returned to her unit's former position atop Oak Ridge, staying among her fallen comrades, licking wounds of the injured and watching over lifeless bodies. Days later, after the Confederates retreated from the field, she was found weakened and malnourished, amidst the dead and debris. Miraculously Sallie had avoided being shot at Gettysburg, but on May 8, 1864, the same day the regiment's Captain Keenan was killed; she was shot in the neck by a minie ball. After a few days recuperation at the hospital, she returned to the unit with the painful and annoying wound. Upon reporting for "active duty" she felt it necessary to tear the seat out of the pants of a young soldier from another unit running away from the battle line as he crossed along the back of the "Old 11th." Sallie was in her usual position on February 6, 1865, at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, when a bullet struck her in the head, killing her. Heartbroken over the loss of their beloved mascot, the men buried her on the filed of battle under heavy enemy fire.

Lance Corporal Alfredo Salazar and his German Shepherd partner, Kaiser, met in Fort Benning, GA. They completed months of training at Fort Benning and then in Camp Pendleton, CA before being shipped to Vietnam. Once there, they completed more than 30 missions together before joining D Company, First Marines, 3rd Marine Division on a search and destroy mission. The two were leading a patrol through heavy brush towards a small village when the Company was hit by heavy automatic weapon fire and hand gernades. Kaiser was hit almost immediately. The Company returned fire and proceeded with the attack, but Salazar stayed by his partner. The dog tried to lick his hand, but couldn't before passing away. The dog was carried back the Company tents and burried under a shady tree. The site was named Camp Kaiser in his honor.

Probably the most famous War Dog was Chips. Chips was trained at Fort Royal, VA in 1942 and was among the first dogs shipped overseas. He was assigned to the 3d Infantry Division and served with that unit in North Africa, Sicily, Itlay, France and Germany. Although trained as a sentry dog, Chips was reported on one occasion by members of Company I, 30th Infantry Regiment while stationed in Sicily, to have broken away from his handler and attack a pillbox containing an enemy machine gun crew. He seized one man and forced the entire crew to surrender. He was also credited for having been directly responsible for the capture of numerous enemies by alerting his company of their presence. In recognition of his service, Chips was awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart, both later revoked (WHY??).

Sergeant Stubby
Stubby, served 18 months 'over there' and participated in seventeen battles on the Western Front. Stubby was a bull terrier. One day he just appeared when a bunch of soldiers were training at Yale Field in New Haven, Ct; he trotted in and out among the ranks as they drilled, stopping to make a friend here and a friend there, until pretty soon he was on chummy terms with the whole bunch. One soldier though, in particular, developed a relationship with the dog, a Corporal Robert Conroy, who when it wastime for the outfit to ship out, hid Stubby on board the troop ship. It was at Chemin des Dames, France that Stubby saw his first action, and it was there that the boys discovered he was a war dog par excellence. The boom of artillery fire didn't faze him in least, and he soon learned to follow the men's example of ducking when the big ones started falling close. Naturally he didn't know why he was ducking, but it became a great game to see who could hit the dugout first. After a few days, Stubby won every time. He could hear the whine of shells long before the men. It got so they'd watch him!
Then one night Stubby made doggy history. It was an unusally quiet night in the trenches. Some of the boys were catching cat naps in muddy dugouts, and Stubby was stretched out beside Conroy. Suddenly his big blunt head snapped up and his ears pricked alert. The movement woke Conroy, who looked at the dog sleepily just in time to see him sniff the air tentatively, utter a low growl, then spring to his feet, and go bounding from the dugout, around a corner out of sight. A few seconds later there was a sharp cry of pain and then the sound of a great scuffle outside. Conroy jumped from his bed, grabbed his rifle and went tearing out towards the direction of the noise. Stubby had captured a German spy, who'd been prowling through the trenches. The man was whirling desperately in an effort to shake off the snarling bundle of canine tooth and muscle that had attached itself to his differential. But Stubby was there to stay. It took only a few moments to capture the Hun and disarm him, but it required considerably more time to convince Stubby that his mission had been successfully carried out and that he should now release the beautiful hold he had on that nice, soft German bottom.
By the end of the war, Stubby was known not only to every regiment, division, and army, but to the whole AEF. Honors by the bale were heaped on his muscled shoulders. At Mandres en Bassigny he was introduced to President Woodrow Wilson, who "shook hands" with him. Medal and emblemed jackets were bestowed upon him for each deed of valor, plus a wound stripe for his grenade splinter. Not to be left out, the Marines even made him an honorary sergeant. Stubby returned home with Conroy and his popularity seemed to grow even more. He became a nationally acclaimed hero, and eventually was received by presidents Harding and Coolidge. Even General John "Black Jack" Pershing, who commanded the American Expeditionary Forces during the war, presented Stubby with a gold medal made by the Humane Society and declared him to be a "hero of the highest caliber." He was even made an honorary member of the American Red Cross, the American Legion and the YMCA, which issued him a lifetime membership card good for "three bones a day and a place to sleep."

Civil War:
Sallie, a brindel bull terrier, joined the 11th Pennsylvanis Vol. Regiment as a puppy in the early days of the war. Through it all, she provided a source of comfort, pride, and inspiration for her fighting comrades. Sallie would hold her position on the line and bark fiercely at the enemy. At Gettysburg, the gallant little dog became separated from her unit in the confusion of the first day's battle. Refusing to pass through the Rebel lines, Sallie returned to her unit's former position atop Oak Ridge, staying among her fallen comrades, licking wounds of the injured and watching over lifeless bodies. Days later, after the Confederates retreated from the field, she was found weakened and malnourished, amidst the dead and debris. Miraculously Sallie had avoided being shot at Gettysburg, but on May 8, 1864, the same day the regiment's Captain Keenan was killed; she was shot in the neck by a minie ball. After a few days recuperation at the hospital, she returned to the unit with the painful and annoying wound. Upon reporting for "active duty" she felt it necessary to tear the seat out of the pants of a young soldier from another unit running away from the battle line as he crossed along the back of the "Old 11th." Sallie was in her usual position on February 6, 1865, at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, when a bullet struck her in the head, killing her. Heartbroken over the loss of their beloved mascot, the men buried her on the filed of battle under heavy enemy fire.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Number 77
80. Closer
79. Ocean's 11
78. Dogma
77. Strictly Ballroom (1993)

What It Is:
The Australian Dirty Dancing directed by Laz Buhrmann.
Why I Like It:
Take out the cheese of Dirty Dancing and add the talent of So You Think You Can Dance. The dancing is incredible and powerful, since the story line involves competitive dancing, not a summer dance lodge. I fell in love with both Scott and Fran, the leading characters!!! Plus it has one of the best taglines ever: "There's something in the air. It might be love - but it isn't."
I Bet You Didn't Know:
This film is the first part of the Red Curtain Trilogy. Followed by Romeo + Juliet (1996) and Moulin Rouge! (2001). Strictly Ballroom was the only one not to receive an Oscar nomination - which is shameful!
The film received a 15-minute standing ovation when it played at the Cannes Film Festival.
Memorable Moments:
Again - the dialogue is magical (if you can understand an Australian accent.)
The dance scene with Fran's mom.
79. Ocean's 11
78. Dogma
77. Strictly Ballroom (1993)

What It Is:
The Australian Dirty Dancing directed by Laz Buhrmann.
Why I Like It:
Take out the cheese of Dirty Dancing and add the talent of So You Think You Can Dance. The dancing is incredible and powerful, since the story line involves competitive dancing, not a summer dance lodge. I fell in love with both Scott and Fran, the leading characters!!! Plus it has one of the best taglines ever: "There's something in the air. It might be love - but it isn't."
I Bet You Didn't Know:
This film is the first part of the Red Curtain Trilogy. Followed by Romeo + Juliet (1996) and Moulin Rouge! (2001). Strictly Ballroom was the only one not to receive an Oscar nomination - which is shameful!
The film received a 15-minute standing ovation when it played at the Cannes Film Festival.
Memorable Moments:
Again - the dialogue is magical (if you can understand an Australian accent.)
The dance scene with Fran's mom.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Number 78
Not one of my best reviews, but it'll do.
80. Closer
79. Ocean's 11
78. Dogma (1999) [wow, I didn't realize it's ten years old!]
What It Is:
A movie about the fallen Angel of Death (Matt Damon) and his best friend (Ben Affleck) who try to get back into heaven using the loop hole of plenary indulgence offered by Cardinal George Carlin. Chris Rock as an Apostle, Alan Rickman as the voice of God, Selma Hayak as a muse, Jay and Silent Bob as prophets, and Alanis Morrisette as God try to step them from uncreating the universe.
Why I Like It:
It's funny. It's different. Most people don't like religious movies or humor combined with God. Me, I love it. I think God has a sense of humor. And this movie just makes me happy. The main lady isn't great at acting, but the rest of the cast, especially Jason Lee and Alan Rickman. Plus, Kevin Smith has a definite touch in his movies that make them his.
I Bet You Didn't Know:
All angels are identically dressed except for the color of their clothes.
Bartelby and Loki's address in Milwakee is 345 Redemption Blvd. This can be seen on the envelope containing the newspaper clipping in the airport scene.
Memorable Moments:
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck buying a gun. The dialogue of the entire film is awesome, funny and insightful.
80. Closer
79. Ocean's 11
78. Dogma (1999) [wow, I didn't realize it's ten years old!]

A movie about the fallen Angel of Death (Matt Damon) and his best friend (Ben Affleck) who try to get back into heaven using the loop hole of plenary indulgence offered by Cardinal George Carlin. Chris Rock as an Apostle, Alan Rickman as the voice of God, Selma Hayak as a muse, Jay and Silent Bob as prophets, and Alanis Morrisette as God try to step them from uncreating the universe.
Why I Like It:
It's funny. It's different. Most people don't like religious movies or humor combined with God. Me, I love it. I think God has a sense of humor. And this movie just makes me happy. The main lady isn't great at acting, but the rest of the cast, especially Jason Lee and Alan Rickman. Plus, Kevin Smith has a definite touch in his movies that make them his.
I Bet You Didn't Know:
All angels are identically dressed except for the color of their clothes.
Bartelby and Loki's address in Milwakee is 345 Redemption Blvd. This can be seen on the envelope containing the newspaper clipping in the airport scene.
Memorable Moments:
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck buying a gun. The dialogue of the entire film is awesome, funny and insightful.
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